Our Story

Casa Del Rey is more than a name, it’s an invitation. Every sip is a step into our Casa, your home away from home, where good times are always on the house.

Our journey began with a simple idea - we wanted to create a cocktail that didn't just taste good; it tasted real, as real as the memories made from good times spent with great people. One that was fit for toasting to past adventures, and igniting new ones. So, how did we do it? Well, it’s real simple.

Literally - Real, simple ingredients, with no shortcuts and no compromises. The very heart and soul of crafting a premium cocktail that embodies ‘authenticity’. 100% Blanco Tequila, mixed with real fruit juice, and a burst of natural flavours.

In our search for the perfect cocktail, we learned that you don't need to bury the essence of real taste under excessive sugar. When you have nothing to hide, the
flavours shine through, making each sip an exciting adventure of its own.

Casa Del Rey is the result of our commitment to delivering a taste that's as real as the stories we collect on our journeys. No gimmicks, no shortcuts, just a genuinely premium cocktail experience, crafted in good taste.